EZ Out Ice Cube Trays, Set of 2


Discover the joy of the EZ Out Ice Cube Tray design! The secret is in the ice cube mold's silicone bottom—with the press of a finger, you can pop out one cube at a time. Large cube capacity also is great for freezing small portions of fruits, purees, juices and more. Assorted colors; we'll choose for you. Set of 2 silicone ice cube trays, each 13 1/2"L x 5 1/4"W x 1 1/4"H. Dishwasher safe.
  • Silicone bottom for easy cube removal
  • 13 1/2" long x 5 1/4" wide x 1 1/4" high
  • Set of 2 trays in assorted colors
  • Ideal for ice cubes, purees, and small portions
  • Dishwasher safe
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